Rebranding my blog

Hey guys,

I am sorry that I haven’t posted for a couple of months now! This is actually my first post of 2024. Wow! I wanted to get to writing and blogging sooner, but I couldn’t figure out what to write about until now. After months of thinking and pondering, I finally found the content I want to share with you guys! I would like to hear your thoughts and topics too!

That’s why I wanted to change the name from Enable Everything: Just One Roll At a Time” to just “Enable Everything.” This name is shorter but encompasses what this blog is about. This blog is about spreading awareness about disability topics and figures, giving college advice, discussing political issues and topics, and sharing insightful, fun movies/books/TV Reactions. It is a way to express that there is always a way to accomplish things that you need and desire. I hope you guys get out of this blog that there is always a way, even when it seems impossible. Nothing is impossible!

There is more exciting and informational content to come! No more hiatus from writing! If there’s anything you want me to cover, discuss, and comment on, please let me know! I love to hear your ideas!


Enable Everything!


Happy Pride Month!


Bye 2023, Hello 2024